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Version 2.1 | December 17, 2003

  • Multiprocessor support added. Users will see a significant speedup on multiprocessor machines.
  • G5 optimization added for Mac versions of the products. Updates for Mac versions only available for Mac OS X.

  • We've added two few features:
  • o Motion Sensitivity: Prior to version 2.0 you really had no choice to limit the amount of motion calculated for any motion estimation quality. The newly added Motion Sensitivity option now allows you to limit how much pixels can move once a particular motion vector quality is chosen. This can help eliminate the "gloop" in creating new frames that is seen when objects pass over each other in the imagery.
    o In ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro, we allow you to specify (via a matte), a foreground layer that is separate from the background layer. The two layers are tracked, interpolated and warped separately. ReelSmart Motion Blur uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground! Note: applying earlier versions of ReelSmart Motion Blur to 2 layers (the foreground and background) and then combining them does not produce the same results, because in the Pro 2.0 version we figure out the motion for the portion of the background layer that is covered by the foreground later, an important part in reconstructing the background when the foreground moves in front of it.

  • Because we've added new options in version 2.0:
  • o You'll see that we've renamed the plugin, and that it will show up in the applications as "ReelSmart Motion Blur 2.x." That way, your old projects will still run and load (using pre-2.0 Motion Blur).