Version 1.2 | May 30, 2002
- Fixed a bug that caused After Effects to think it has run out of memory. This bug is most often scene during rendering to disk, but can also show up when working interactively or when rendering RAM previews.
- Changed memory requirements when "Accumulate Foldovers" is checked. This means RE:Flex uses up to 50% less memory when working in 8 bits per channel, and up to 33% less memory when working in 16bpc.
Version 1.1.1 | March 18, 2002
- Fixed a bug that caused the plugin set to erroneously render blank frames.
Version 1.1 | February 25, 2002
- Fixed a bug that caused the plugin set to erroneously render blank frames.
- Fixed a bug that caused the plugin set to process images with partial alpha (non-zero and non-full alpha) improperly.
- Improved performance when anti-aliasing.
- Improved performance when significant portions of the picture are completely transparent.
Version 1.0.1 | January 24, 2002
- Fixed a bug that caused RE:Flex Morph and RE:Flex Warp to erroneously render black frames.
- Fixed a bug that caused RE:Flex Morph and RE:Flex Warp to erroneously abort a render.