Version 2.8.1 | June 25, 2007
- Fixed a bug in combustion where scanlines of the processed image are not all rendered. This happens when there are thumbnails or filmstrips displayed. Video Gogh needs to see the same size image from frame-to-frame to properly track the brushes, so you'll still need to make sure you do not display thumbnails or filmstrips (because calculating a thumbnail between each full-sized frame causes a problem where the plugin can't properly track brushes from frame to frame, so the resulting animation with jump inappropriately). If the plugin sees that you have thumbnails or filmstrips displayed it will now warn you to turn those off.
Version 2.8 | May 25, 2006
- The significantly better tracking of Twixtor 4.5 has been incorporated into Video Gogh.
- Added Intel support for Final Cut Pro. Read about limitations.
- On the Macintosh, for all applications except Final Cut Pro you need to delete the previous Video Gogh plugin in your plugins folder, because the name of the plugin files have been changed
- On the Macintosh users of After Effects 7.0 or later will see a significant improvement on G5 CPUs running Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger).
Version 2.7 | May 13, 2003
- Significant speedups for users with a G4 (Macintosh) CPU, up to 33% time savings
- Smaller speedups for Windows and Mac non-G4 users
- Macintosh version now requires a G3 or G4 CPU and Mac OS 9.1 or later.
Version 2.6
- Fixed a bug that caused Video Gogh to unnecessarily "pop" when animating brush stroke size.
Version 2.5.1
- Fixed a bug that caused Video Gogh to crash in Premiere 6.0.
Version 2.5
- Revamped to work with Adobe Premiere 6.0
- Fixes a bug that causes crashing with Discreet combustion.
- About 20% faster
- Much better tracking.
Version 2.2
- Fixed problems with rendering coming to a halt for no seemingly good reason.
Version 2.1
- The Video Gogh v. 2.1 After Effects-compatible plugin now conforms to the After Effects 3.1 standard, which means it will work with After Effects 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1. Furthermore, it continues to work with Commotion, Final Cut Pro, and now works with Discreet's effect
- .
- Much better tracking.
Version 2.0.3
- 2 to 3 times faster than 2.0.2.
- Supports draft/best modes for layer rendering
Version 2.0.2
- 2.0.2 fixed a memory bug that can crash After Effects (and perhaps your Mac as well).