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Press Release

RE:Vision Effects, Inc. releases ReelSmartTM TwixtorTM version 2.0

RE:Vision Effects today released ReelSmart Twixtor version 2.0 of it’s After Effects compatible plugin for use in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere 6.0, Apple Final Cut Pro, Discreet combustion and Pinnacle Commotion. We will be demoing the new version in person at SIGGRAPH 2001 in the Adobe, Toolfarm, Discreet and Nothing Real booths (see our website for demo schedule).

ReelSmart Twixtor enables you to speed up, slow down your image sequences with visually stunning results. In order to achieve its unparalleled image quality, Twixtor synthesizes unique new frames by warping and interpolating frames of the original sequence… employing the next generation of RE:Vision’s proprietary tracking technology that calculates motion for each individual pixel.

In version 2.0, RE:Vision has responded to customer requests by adding the following features:

* Increased performance via caching and/or skipping the calculation of the motion vectors when appropriate
* The ability to use a tracking sequence that is separate from the color image sequence. In general the tracking sequence should be a color corrected, contrast enhanced or other tweaked version of the original sequence.
* Control over the limits of how far pixels are allowed to move, which can greatly reduce the “glooping” that can occur when objects in a scene pass over each other
* Another blending function that seeks to reduce the in-and-out of focus pulsing that can occur during a slow-mo operation

Twixtor Pro version 2.0, offers the following new feature (which is supported in ALL of the host applications listed above):

* Support for foreground and background separation using a specified mask. The two layers are tracked, interpolated and warped separately. Twixtor uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!

ReelSmart Twixtor is priced at US$329.99 and ReelSmart Twixtor Pro is priced at US$495.00. We are also evolving our current Twixtor versions customized for Shake, Discreet and Avid systems (see our website for exact versions and


Demo material and software are available on the RE:Vision Effects website,