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Twixtor App


Twixtor the most advanced slow-mo software is now shipping as a standalone.

Twixtor App Features


Simple to use, drag your video, select in and out point, speed and frame rate and hit render.

Same Tech as Twixtor 8

Use same technology state-of-the art video frame interpolation as the Twixtor Plug-ins. Twixtor 8 introduced our new Machine-Learning model.

No Workaround Needed

Modify Frame Rate and Speed (slow-mo and speed-up) without special workaround needed. Total Duration automagically calculated for you.

Feature Specs


The Precise mode implements our Machine-Learning model, the fast mode implements classical Twixtor Best Optical Flow. You usually use Precise for lower frame rate like 24P and fast motion.

Formats supported

Currently supports the basic video formats supported by Mac and Windows OS – including 10bit mp4 video. No known resolution limits. Does not yet handle Log and HDR (e.g. HLG) video always very well and RAW formats, you need to use plugins for that.

Audio Support

Option to time-stretch (speed change) or time-remap audio when using Speed Ramping – modifying the pitch to avoid the chipmunk effect.

Use to Create Intermediates

You can adjust the output bitrate when you want to create high-quality intermediates.


Comes with a key-frame editor to create arbitrary speed ramps.


Should run on pretty much anything, of course at a different render speed.